NASA Artemis 1 launch

Malena Tortorella, Staff Writer

Artemis 1, a complex series of missions with the goal of keeping humans on the moon for years to come, is keeping everyone on their toes. The mission was originally scheduled for August 29 and September 3, but was cancelled for many reasons, including rocket malfunctions and engine issues (which they later found was sensor problems). The next scheduling was delayed because of a liquid hydrogen leak, and even after that, NASA said it was too dangerous to launch because of hurricane Ian. Now that the hurricane has passed, the launch date is set for November 14, 2022.

The night of the launch is supposed to be spectacular, and many people are very excited for it. Artemis 1 is set to go 1.3 million miles, starting from Earth, going to the moon, going past the moon, and finally coming back. Artemis 1 is one of 3 missions, with Artemis 2 set to launch in 2024, and Artemis 3 set to launch in 2025 or later. The Artemis 2 mission is supposed to send a crew past the moon, which will be the farthest they have ever gone. The Artemis 3 mission is going to take the first female and person of color to the moon for a week to perform studies.

These missions have the goal of eventually building a habitable moon base and also using the research developed for the Artemis missions to plan a crewed launch to Mars. These missions are groundbreaking for people all over the world, and I look forward to seeing how they go.