The Loch Ness Monster

The Loch Ness Monster

Jasper Hultgren

The Loch-Ness Monster is an iconic monster that supposedly lives in the Scottish lake of Loch-Ness. The creature has evaded any type of photographic evidence and has remained a mystery ever since its first discovery. Although many people believe that the monster is a fluke. A few individuals, like myself, believe that Nessie is real and not fake! So I will be reviewing the evidence from the course of history to try and unravel this mystery of the Loch-Ness Monster!

The first eyewitness account of Nessie was on May 2nd, 1933 when a local couple says to a newspaper that they saw a monster in the lake. Because of this, the myth was born and people named it the Loch-Ness monster. The first, most real photographic evidence was taken in 1934 and dubbed the “Surgeons Photo”, you can see the photo above. The photo was taken by a London Physician named R. Kenneth Wilson. He claims that he took the photo when he heard a commotion coming from the water as he was driving to look for birds with his friend. He then saw a massive creature emerging from the water and quickly snapped a photo with his camera. Because all film was black and white and had poor quality then, it’s very hard to tell if this photo was fake or not because of cameras back then. Ever since then the world caught a Loch-Ness fever!